Bueno amigos setool menciono hoy que habian experimentado muchos post aluciendo problemas de usuario y contrasena esto se dijo

These past few days we see many messages about “wrong username/password” issue.
In most cases the reason for this error is because customers changes their own password and fail to save the password or forgot it.

In this case, no one can help you!
We or resellers are unable to check the password on server because it’s encrypted for security reason. You can only read your password in local setool folder in the pc (.ini file). After you change pass it`s automatically stored there.

We provided reseller with working account, reseller then provided that account to customer. Reseller job is officially done. We (including reseller) are not responsible for customer account usage or it safety after purchase.

What can we suggest to customers:
- check the account as soon as you get details from reseller to make sure its working
- than change the password (optional) and save in secure place.

We expect customer full responsibility after the account has been handed over. Customer can do whatever they want including changing password, forgot the password, misplaced the password, post in public forum for all to see. It is customer’s private property. In summary, if customer loses details of account, he has to buy new one as there is no possible way to retrieve that info. Similar to hacked account, Trojans, virus, hard drive crashes, tsunami and nuclear war, WE are NOT responsible.
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les resumimos para que no lean mucho y para los que no hablan ingles

los problemas experimentados son por que muchas veces le dan al boton de cambiar contrasena y no se dan cuenta que la contrasena la pone el sistema automaticamente y luego la borran de la casilla y no saben cual es

la solucion si no sabe lo que hace no lo haga

si lo hiso en el archivo ini de setool esta guardada su contrasena ahi la puede conseguir

si la perdio totalmente lo lamentan por que no hay manera de recuperarla asi pues tenga cuidado con su contrasena


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